Welcome to WorldWideCollectAbles.com'
Vintage & Old Restaurant
Diner - Hotel - Roadside Eatery China Ware Offerings
We have over 35 years of experience in the collecting of Restaurant, Diner, Hotel and other Roadside Eateries China Wares.
Rest Assured, we know the difference between the reproduction and the original. We'll not offer any reproductions here.
If we know the history, we will share it alongside those pieces we're offering.
Sometimes even having a Now & Then Historical Fade that you can visit to see where the establishment was or is.
And if we have accompanying pieces, ie, menus, flatware, or advertising promotions to any specific piece we are offering,
we'll generally have a link to the page those items are being offered on.
Like all our projects, this one Will Be Continued.......
Note that all images Open in New Window and will Enlarge when clicked on.
Rest Assured, we know the difference between the reproduction and the original. We'll not offer any reproductions here.
If we know the history, we will share it alongside those pieces we're offering.
Sometimes even having a Now & Then Historical Fade that you can visit to see where the establishment was or is.
And if we have accompanying pieces, ie, menus, flatware, or advertising promotions to any specific piece we are offering,
we'll generally have a link to the page those items are being offered on.
Like all our projects, this one Will Be Continued.......
Note that all images Open in New Window and will Enlarge when clicked on.

You can visit us on Facebook anytime. Just give Buddy a click, and you're there. We can answer any questions that you may have. And if you happen across something you want, and would like to make an offer for us to consider, just let us know on Facebook messenger. We'll reply as quickly as possible. This applies to items we have on Ebay as well. Please note, any items listed on eBay, shall be sold through eBay. Thank You!